Wednesday, July 18, 2012

ICEfaces Advanced Components Heritage


ICEfaces 2 was an ambitious product, taking our feature set from ICEfaces 1.x and completely redesigning and reimplementing the underpinnings to optimally integrate with JSF 2. We were less fighting with JSF to sink our hooks in, and more simply interoperating, with all of the hooks designed in. That's because Ted Goddard of ICEfaces fame was on the JSF 2 spec committee, and JSF 2 was quite the collaborative endeavour, with input from many stakeholders and other groups who integrate with JSF as well.

ICEfaces is much more than just a component library, it automatically, granularly and optimally AJAX-ifies a JSF page. It provides server push capabilities, has failover and clustering support, integrates with many IDEs, provides low client overhead components, accessibility components, rich interactive components, composite components for simplifying applications development, mobile components for smart phones and tablets, gives the window scope for beans, integrates with Portlets and many other technologies, is tested across a broad spectrum of browsers and application servers. Basically, it enhances application development in a multitude of ways. But I'm on the component team, so you'll notice that my blog is focused on that one aspect.

While porting all of our pre-existing components to ICEfaces 2 + JSF 2, it was felt we had to also show some new components that were new and compelling. Also, browsers and the web had drastically changed in the past several years since we'd come out with the design philosophy behind the ICEfaces 1.x components. Web 2.0 was a lot more heavy on the javascript side, browsers were a lot faster, and with more smartphones it made sense to avoid network traffic as they now had real browsers on them instead of crippled lite versions.

So, we came out with a two pronged strategy:

1. Our pre-existing component suite would be made to run on ICEfaces 2 + JSF 2, which would provide backwards compatibility for our customers, and continue to provide components that were light on client resources, some of which worked with or without javascript.

2. Develop javascript centric components that were even richer than before, minimised network traffic, and made use of, and integrated with, the new JSF 2 features. Eventually these would come to be called the ICEfaces Advanced Components, or for short, ACE components.


We wanted to make use of a third party javascript library that would support all of the browsers that we needed to support, which had solid momentum, and that would provide either components to wrap, or the building blocks to create our own.

At that point, jQuery UI was pretty nascent, and YUI 2 had many components, and there were several other projects looking seriously into YUI 2 as well. There were 3-4 other javascript libraries that we also investigated and prototyped test components with.

Detailed investigation focusing on YUI 2 commenced around May 2009. And in August we began designing and prototyping our code generation, resource concatenation / compression, and CSS modifying (to work with the JSF resource mechanism) concept, which eventually became the ICEfaces Advanced Component Environment, or ACEnvironment, as I like to write it. At that time, JSF 2 was quite the moving target, and we had to balance our efforts of investigation and new development with supporting our mature ICEfaces 1.8 components, and porting the 1.8 components over to ICEfaces 2, as what we internally referred to as our compatibility components.

For several months I was occupied with a vacation, then sickness, and then work on the ICEpdf 4 release. The rest of the component team continued with their YUI 2 and generator efforts.

Unique Challenges

The major technical difference between ICEfaces and all of our competitors is our DOM differencing technology. It allows for sending only what has changed to the browser, with our framework determining this optimised change set, without need for application developers to explicitly state their page update dependencies. It drastically alters what must be taken into consideration when developing components. For example, when using the standard JSF 2 f:ajax tag, the most granularity of a rendered update is a whole component. Granted, the components specified may be large containers of many other components, or a single small component, so there is quite the range of granularity. Any JSF component library that supports updating a portion of a component, had to have developed its own non-standard augmentation to JSF to support this. With ICEfaces, individual DOM elements may be updated, which are only a small portion of a component. And with rich components, that have many DOM elements with javascript listeners attached to them, one can't simply update random elements, without executing some javascript to re-register listeners, and keep the javascript objects in sync with the html markup. Developing a cross-browser, performant means of accomplishing this that worked with YUI 2 was quite involved.

With our large number of enterprise customers, and extensive QA process, there are certain scenarios that we are required to address which our competitors may not have been aware of, chose to not address, or were unable to solve. One key example of which was the issue where a component requires javascript and CSS resources in the head. When a component was not previously on the page, and then dynamically was added, there was the problem with dynamically adding those resources to the head, with the JSF 2.0 update mechanism. We upgraded from YUI 2 to YUI 3 to take advantage of its dynamic loader, which allowed for both dynamically updating resources in the head which also reducing our resource sizes. Unfortunately, this caused three very large problems. The first of which was that using the loader required adding callbacks to execute our javascript when the loading had completed. While the total time to load a page reduced, the page remained blank noticeably longer, as it no longer incrementally rendered the page but rather waited on all javascript to download and execute before rendering the page. The second issue was that certain Portlet application servers do not allow for accessing JAR'd JSF 2 registered resources by name, as the YUI 3 loader required, but rather by some registered resource handle determined on the server side. The third issue was that YUI 3 did not contain newer versions of the YUI 2 controls, but instead included a mechanism called 2in3 for running YUI 2 within YUI 3, which was cumbersome to use, especially from within the YUI 3 loader. Eventually, after much effort, we ended up shelving the YUI 3 loader efforts, and we settled on the MandatoryResourceComponent solution, which was to identify all components in the system which could potentially be dynamically added, and pre-load their resources into the head. This was configurable at the application and page level.

Another large concern was the issue of having large data tables of these rich components, which each use much more html markup and well as javascript. Particularly in legacy browsers such as IE 6, with poor javascript performance. Much effort was put into making applications responsive with this scenario.

Integrating Open Source Technologies

Years earlier we had added integration with Seam and then RichFaces as it became called. They were quite co-operative and saw the value in our technologies inter-operating. While RichFaces has more of a competing component library, Seam itself is more of a complementary framework to ours. We spent the time and money on integration because Seam was quite popular, and our support customers requested it.

With PrimeFaces, or PF as I called them, they more directly competed with the component aspect of ICEfaces, but that didn't matter to us. If our support customers wanted PF components to operate within our ICEfaces eco-system, then that is what we set out to accomplish. From our investigation we found that their component library had not resolved the technical hurdles ours had, so we saw it as more of a quick and dirty component library, that was popular and fast growing from an 80/20 development focus.

Immediately we found there were quite a few technical problems with integration. As mentioned above, any JSF component library that supports updating a portion of a component, had to have developed its own non-standard augmentation to JSF to support this. The PF framework made use of several non-standard means of updating the page. Firstly, it did not use the standard JSF element update mechanism, but rather used its own XHR mechanism, meaning that all of our integration with standard JSF was not being used. Then there were the updates that were not XML or HTML at all, but rather JSON data responses. Also, there was what we called sub-component rendering, where when a component would render itself, it would only render a portion of itself, like the body of the dataTable, without the header or footer. And in several cases, the component javascript would expect that when it submitted itself, that all of itself would be updated, and couldn't handle that ICEfaces was only updating the small portion that had changed.

We modified the parts of our framework that were necessary to work around these issues. In many cases the fix required changes in the PF component code. And of course the parts of their core javascript that completely side-stepped the JSF javascript would have needed to be modified to create the same hooks. We were looking to pay them for their time to incorporate the changes necessary for our integration. Code changes that we had made as unobtrusive as possible, that our whole team had put considerable effort into. Talks with them dragged on, while we resumed our efforts on our own components.

Continuing Development

We continued adding new components to ACE, while augmenting the ACE generator to add features to our components and improve the documentation capabilities. We made several releases of ICEfaces 1.8.x and 2.x. My main ACE accomplishments were in the generator, supporting team members with their components, and two of my own components: ace:fileEntry and ace:tabSet.

With our ICEfaces 1.8 ice:inputFile component, we rendered an iframe that submitted to a file upload servlet, and which could cause the wrapping page to update and display progress notifications. So while ice:inputFile might be placed within a form, it wasn't really a part of that form. Later we added a feature to support submitting the parent form before and/or after the file upload, so that applications could use the result of the form submit to affect the file saving, or the file verification to affect the form saving. We also added a feature that no one else had, to allow applications to specify a callback that would handle the saving of the file, so that it could be forwarded over a socket to another server, or saved to a database, without writing a temporary file to the file-system. As well, when we did write the file to the file-system, we wrote it once, to where it should end up, and did not use temporary files nor large byte[] in memory that could easily exhaust the memory available to the application server, as our competitors did.

Unfortunately with ICEfaces 2, that component would not work with the new means of ICEfaces / JSF integration, which was less about fighting and taking over JSF, and more about easily hooking in. As such we streamlined large portions of our framework, including removing our own custom Servlets, which is what ice:inputFile relied upon. The opportunity was seen to create a file uploading component that integrated better with JSF, and that could address our every issue with the older one. Firstly, we wanted one that would not require a custom Servlet, nor upload to a separate view/URL. It should upload in a single lifecycle, along with the submitted form elements, so that they could be validated together atomically, while still using Ajax to incrementally update the page after. And, it still had to be able to show progress, and support the callback feature. We looked to HTML 5 to solve many of these problems, but unfortunately we had to support legacy browsers that were still widely used. So an HTML 4 solution was found, with an eye to pluggable HTML 5 support in the future.

Our competitors required the Flash plugin, made use of Servlet filters so did not allow for integrated form validation, did not support Ajax responses, and most did not directly write the uploaded files to the appropriate location desired by the application, and none supported a callback feature. And who knows which of them would work in a Portlets environment. It was quite the unique innovation.

With ace:tabSet, a previous co-worker had developed the component, it it was given to me to add a seemingly simple set of features: Allow for dynamically adding and removing tabs, while allowing for tabs to be lazily loaded and cached, such that their contents would not be disrupted as they held iframes to legacy JSP pages that might be full of entered data. Unfortunately, our ace:tabSet had been designed primarily to solve the main problem with our older ice:panelTabSet, that it could not have separate forms within each panelTab, and hadn't really been designed to wrap all of the features available in the YUI control. I was shown the PF tabView component and saw that it could cache the tab contents. Both component were built on YUI's tab control, so what was possible in one should be possible in the other. YUI allowed for caching and dynamically loading content, either from other URLs or via a callback. One could envision the callback using sub-component rendering to populate each tab's contents. With tabView it seemed that it was closer to what we needed, and just the dynamic adding and removing of tabs would be necessary. Unfortunately, PF had by then declined our offer to collaborate on integration, so I couldn't augment it. My options with ace:tabSet were limited since we'd already released it, and a brand new re-design that would break backwards compatibility was not possible. So I came up with a way that the server could add and remove tabs, that would work with our DOM differencing and the JSF element update mechanism, and would move elements around to where YUI expected them to be. The many different modes of caching, that could be specified per ace:tabPane, were developed as per the customer's evolving understanding of their requirements.

Assimilating PrimeFaces

Approximately a year after we first investigated integration with PF, we focused our efforts on assimilating it as a first class citizen of ACE. This was a multi-stage nearly year-long undertaking. There were several reasons for this, as mentioned above, such as customer demand for integration. But there was also the growing issue with YUI where it was not supporting different versions together on the same page, which was causing a lot of problems with our Portlet integration, and PF was migrating away from YUI to jQuery.
We began with simply adding icefaces.jar to their showcase, as we had done before, and identified what broke, and set about fixing them. It was the same set of incompatibilities we had found before, but now the task to rectify them was even larger, as there were more components, and we wished to fix them all. A combination of testing and code auditing were used to identify issues. We also identified bugs that existed without ICEfaces present, and fixed those as well. Particularly, we would see that features would work in isolation but not in combination.

To be a first class citizen of ACE required adapting each component from hand rolled code to being specified as a Meta class, generated into a Base class, and custom code going into the component class which sub-classes the Base class. Proper separation of code between the component and renderer. It's important to note that the generated properties are superior to the standard way that properties are implemented, which caused regressions as the PF code worked around those limitations, particularly how ValueExpressions are set in ACE property setter methods and not in standard setter methods. In each Renderer we re-coded them to make use of our best practices, including using JSONBuilder, which does escaping that was absent from the PF code.

We unified the styling between the components, documented the components, their properties and features, which had been largely absent. We altered the core javascript to use the JSF submitting mechanism, and added any features that had been in our 1.8 components that were lacking in the analogs from PF. The dataTable component was specifically targeted for adding many new features, as well as making all of the individual features work together, which they had not before. Many automated QA tests were made for each component, testing each property, feature, and situation of use.

With the fileEntry component, we had run into an issue where we would certify it against a certain version of Apache file-upload, and then there could be problems if applications bundled their own different version, or if the application server included some version. So we had repackaged Apache file-upload into an ACE package, that way no matter what version of it was on the classpath, our code would work. Similarly, we repackaged all of the changed PF code, as we moved it into ACE, so it would work with the generator, and so that if there was some newer version of PF on the classpath, then the PF derived components in ACE would continue to function, as well as the newer PF components in their own jar.

False Accusations

After releasing ICEfaces 3, the PF team slagged us all over the Internet. They portrayed us as haven taken their code and just renamed/repackaged it. And they said that forking their code was somehow immoral, even though they had chosen their open source license themselves, and had chosen not to collaborate with integration, paid for by us. Never mind the sheer quantity of jQuery, jQuery UI, and third party library code that they had in their javascript, which is somehow a different matter in their eyes.

They distorted the facts in their blog by only showing the Panel component's Renderer and javascript and omitting the files for it that we had greatly changed (Panel, PanelBase, PanelMeta, PanelTag, faces-config.xml, facelets-taglib.xml).  They even cut out the license headers, which created the impression that we hadn't acknowledged them or abided by the license. Every single file includes the license. They repeatedly said they saw no difference in the code, even though one can see all the JSONBuilder code right there. Or all the new features and fixes in the other components.

They pointed out that we had forked an older more stable release, and not their more recent development branch, which was migrating from using jQuery to instead use hand-rolled code, which we found had cross browser issues, such as incorrect div scrolling offset calculations.

ICEfaces 3.1 ACE

We've continued to add our very own brand new components, like autoCompleteEntry, chart, dataExporter, list, listControl, richTextEntry, and textAreaEntry.  This is in addition to the pre-existing set of ACE component that we created before PF integration. So ACE is not just an old release of some other software, but continues to move forward on its own path.